Buy award-winning author Jean Kummerow’s books and training materials.
General MBTI® Resources
A highly acclaimed introduction to personality type based on the popular Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® instrument. Learn how type affects people’s lives– including how they work, learn, love and lose out!
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Verifying Your Type Preferences: Worksheet and Leader's Guide
This worksheet guides your clients through a step-by-step process to understand and verify their “best-fit” MBTI Type. It can be used with individuals and groups. The Leader’s guide suggests different ways to encourage type exploration.
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Talking in Type: Worksheet and Leader's Guide
This simple explanation of the differences in how the eight MBTI® preferences affect communication is an efficient tool to use with individuals, couples, and groups. A leader’s guide with suggested activities is included.
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Your Pet’s Personality: Type Indicator for Pets
This light-hearted publication is a chance to apply type to understanding your pet’s unique personality. It includes a questionnaire and scoring key along with the implications of various results. You’ll have fun administering it to your pet!
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Valuing All the Preferences in the Workplace
This exercise helps participants identify the strengths of their own preferences as well as the assets of others in their workplace. The aim is “the constructive use of differences.” A leader’s guide is included.
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Type Dynamics: Another Level of Type
This moves beyond the basics of the MBTI® preferences to the type dynamics level with clear pictures (literally and figuratively) of how type dynamics work and enrich our lives. A section on stress reactions is included to help people understand what happens when they’re not at their best.
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Team Tendencies
Type expert Jean Kummerow presents a highly understandable model for revealing key team behaviors, including dealing with the change process, understanding the focus of work, and individual decision-making styles. Your clients or team will relate to the first-person statements that are included within each section of the handout.
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Organizational Applications of Type
Introduction to Myers-Briggs Type® in Organizations (4th ed.)
This popular “introduction to type” booklet provides a thorough introduction to MBTI® results in organizational settings with descriptions of all 16 personality types and their leadership and work styles. Preferred work environments, problem-solving approaches, learning styles, potential pitfalls and suggestions for development are also included.
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This book, written by three MBTI experts, takes the popular MBTI® assessment and shows how to apply results to many work-related activities such as creating better meetings, managing time more effectively, handling change, working through stress, and being a more effective leader.
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Developing Leaders
This edited book provides many chapters on using the MBTI® assessment in developing leadership and management capabilities.
See Dr. Kummerow’s chapter on Using the MBTI Step II with Leaders and Managers.
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MBTI® Step II™ Instrument
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Understanding Your MBTI® Global Step II™ Results (#4378)
This 22-page booklets helps individuals gain more understanding of their MBTI Step II facet results and is a perfect supplement when presenting their Global MBTI Step II results.
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Introducing MBTI® Step II™ Results
This ready-to-deploy workshop facilitation kit includes PowerPoint presentations, facilitator notes, facilitator worksheets and participant worksheets all on a USB flash drive.
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MBTI® Step II User's Guide: Practitioner’s Tool for Making the Most of Global Step II™ Interpretations
This new MBTI Step II resource offers practical insights into administering and interpreting the Global Step II Interpretive Report. The 114-page guide provides useful facts, new perspectives on personality type and the Step II approach, and detailed practical advice and examples that will enhance your work with clients.
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Facet Sayings and Songs
Another way to understand Step II results is presented in this handout with its unique and delightful style in illustrating the subtleties of the 20 MBTI Step II facets. Through literary quotations and musical song titles, you’ll learn much about personality differences described by the MBTI Step II instrument.
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New Directions in Career Planning and the Workplace: Practical Strategies for Career Management Professionals (second edition)
Named an Outstanding Academic Title, this publication is an invaluable career planning resource for any professionals in the career development area. It offers current thinking and practice from experts on topics such as work-life balance, values clarification, multicultural career counseling and using the MBTI® instrument and the Strong Interest Inventory® assessment together.
(Out of print) |
Strong and MBTI® Career Development Guide
For those using the 1994 Strong, this guide provides research and strategies for combining it with the MBTI® instrument. Reproducible masters are included to illustrate various combinations of the instruments.
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Strong and MBTI® Career Development Workbook
This workbook for clients helps them combine the MBTI and the 1994 Strong inventories to identify career goals, to develop a career development plan and to understand the challenges in a job search.
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MBTI Manual: A Guide to the Development and Use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (3rd edition)
This Manual is essential for any practitioner using the MBTI Step I instrument. Both technical information and practical applications are included.
Dr. Kummerow wrote the chapter on “Uses of Type in Career Counseling.” |
Nutrition (with Fred A. Kummerow, Ph.D.)
Cholesterol is Not the Culprit: A Guide to Preventing Heart Disease
by Fred. A. Kummerow Ph.D. with Jean M. Kummerow Ph.D.
You will find a lot in this book related to diet and heart disease; it is the number one cause of death in the U.S. and throughout much of the world and also the focus of the majority of my career. To me, researching diet and heart disease is like being the detective in a good mystery book who follows clue after clue and finally comes up with an unexpected answer. The detective is always trying to find out who and what killed the person. Some detectives view cholesterol as the killer in heart disease, but I show you why that's not so. I hope in reading this book, you'll not only learn what is healthy to eat, but also why it is healthy to do so. How the body uses food to make what we need to keep going is an incredible, almost magical, process. We, as well as all animals and plants, are not programmed to live forever, but we can certainly increase the number of high quality years of life.
--Fred A. Kummerow
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Cholesterol Won’t Kill You but Trans Fat Could
by Fred. A. Kummerow with Jean M. Kummerow
This book identifies scientific facts and nutritional myths and provides research evidence as to why some myths should not be the cornerstone of nutritional advice. It explains how some food fictions arose, their basis in flawed and incomplete research studies and what's wrong with these studies by examining the basics-the basic biochemical processes in the body, how food fuels those processes, and how those processes fit together.
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